For a Deeper Dive…

Educational Resources

While completing the TRUST modules, there may have been specific topics you wished to delve into further. The below resources, developed by TRUST partners or associated organisations, can offer further information and helpful tools in these areas.


Fit for Life

Fit for Life is UNESCO's sport-based flagship designed to accelerate COVID-19 recovery, support inclusive and integrated policy-making, and enhance the wellbeing of youth around the world. Powered by a global compact of partners, Fit for Life uses data driven sport interventions to tackle intersecting crises in physical inactivity, mental health and inequality.

Going WeLL

The GAA’s 'Going WeLL’ is a learning resource that nurtures personal growth and infuses a sense of “Belonging” – belonging to one’s class, one’s school, one’s team, one’s local Club and Community, the broader Association and ultimately to the Irish Nation

Human Rights

Reporting tools

The UNESCO Chair MTU is leading a sectoral partnership with the aim to advance mechanisms for reporting and follow-up on human rights and sport. A key part of this work is developing reporting templates and advocacy tools to help the sports sector navigate the complexities of UN human rights systems and explain how to engage with the Treaty Bodies, as well as to highlight to States and national human rights institutions (NHRIs) how they can increase reporting on sport. Please note that “sport” reflects physical education, physical activity and sport.

Centre for Sport and Human Rights

The Centre for Sport and Human Rights is a human rights organisation for the world of sport. Their mission is to advance a world of sport that fully respects and promotes human rights by generating awareness, building capacity and delivering impact. Check out their website, which contains many useful resources

TRUST Ireland

In Ireland, a national partnership is working with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission on TRUST Ireland, a project that aims to socialise sport, human rights and SDGs among government stakeholders, the sport sector including higher education and rights holders.

Awareness Resource

Check out the online course developed by the GAA and the Ombudsman for Children's Office Rights in Ireland.

Values Education

Olympic Values Education Programme

The Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP) is a series of learning resources that have been created by the International Olympic Committee.
More info of the Portuguese version of OVEP here!

Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture

The Council of Europe developed a Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture, to be adapted for use in primary and secondary schools and higher education and vocational training institutions throughout Europe as well as national curricula and teaching programmes.


Sport for Protection Toolkit

The Sport for Protection Toolkit: Programming with Young People in Forced Displacement Settings was a multi-agency collaboration between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Terre des hommes organisation (Tdh).

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